All rights reserved © Erven Frans Verhaak


Cox Fotografie, Eindhoven
FV nrs. 239, 114, 27, 35, 230, 317, 28, 247, 187, 19, 42, 47, 256, 156, 255, 150, 253, 188, 237, 251, 235, 7, 252, 183, 184, 236, 207, 216, 266, 079, 215, 217, 208, 108A, 38, 171, 167, 46, 2564, 2934, 2865, 2962, 2687, 2856, 2863, 2859, 2645-1, 2645-2, 2703, 2552, 2660, 2753, 2755, 2730, 2731, 2987, 2757, 2840, 2490, 2777-a, 2887, 2863, 2859, 2645-1, 2645-2, 2703, 2552, 2753, 2755, 2730, 2731, 2757, 2840, 2490
+ some individually stated.

Margareta Svensson, Amsterdam
FV nrs. 294, 2715, 2672, 2476, 2574, 2848, 2832, 2830, 2819, 2813, 2818, 2964, 2846, 2907, 2808, 2691, 2593, 2676, 2468, 2655, 2847, 2828, 2960, 2941, 2950, 2834, 2835, 2815, 2994, 2959, 2557, 2843, 2814, 2841, 2842, 2809, 2807, 2702,  2967, 2752, 2946, 3007-3, 2712, 2758, 2948, 3007-4, 3007-6, 2494b, 2760, 2513-a, 3004-24, 2963, 2732, 2800, 3004-26, 2485-a, 2597, 3004-25, 2877, 2700, 2697, 2485-b, 2709, 2927, 2483-e, 2811, 2817, 2686, 2483-d, 3005-10, 2807-a, 2803, 2805, 2777, 2777-a.

Museum Krona, Uden
As stated individually

René & Peter van der Krogt,
As stated individually

Museum Beelden aan Zee, Den Haag
As stated individually

English Translation
Joanne Schurer

Web-Kings, Amsterdam


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